Developing a Winter Healthy Eating Plan

Disposable ice cream cups

Most people are more committed and dedicated to their diets in the spring months. People want to look better in their summer gear, bathing suits, shorts and tank tops. However, starting a diet or beginning to monitor eating habits in the early spring is often too late to provide much of a difference. The winter is a great time for developing healthier eating habits that can then transfer into the summer months. Healthier eating in the winter months can also increase the body?s energy during a time that many feel sluggish and worn down.

Develop a morning exercise routine

Many people find it difficult to get up early in the winter months. The sun if often not out yet, and the sun may even set before you get the chance to leave work. The weather is likely dark and cold and many would prefer to remain in bed. Getting into the habit of a quick morning workout can get the blood flowing for warmth and can increase endorphin’s, helping to get over the normal winter blues.

Always eat breakfast

Breakfast is often skipped, especially when people have busy morning schedules. Parents may be more worried about feeding their children and getting them out the door for school. They may be more worried about preparing for the work day. However, neglecting to eat a healthy breakfast can actually make you feel more tired and groggy throughout the day. Skipping breakfast can also result in increased weight gain, because the body?s first meal of the day is lunch, where people may binge because they have not eaten in many hours.

Eat dinner earlier

This one may also be difficult with busier schedules. Dinners may be grabbed around meetings or school activities. If possible, schedule an early dinner that is healthy and full of energy providing foods. The protein filled foods will hold you over until the morning and will provide you with the needed energy to get through the rest of the evening. Gelato and healthy drinks are also great options for quicker meals or for late night snacks that are healthy.

Choose healthy dessert options

A large percentage of people enjoy dessert with their dinners. One simple unhealthy dessert can ruin an entire day of healthy eating. Fortunately, there are many healthy dessert options that are also delicious. The average American will consume ice cream 28.5 times this year. Normal ice cream desserts can be high in calories and fat content. Exchanging ice cream for gelato or yogurt cups can provide the same satisfaction, with healthier eating options.

There are about 1.5 billion gallons of ice cream and similar desserts produced in the United States every year. Many of these dessert options are actually healthy options, if you know what to look for. Gelato cups and frozen yogurt can be a healthier choice. Gelato, for example, contains between 3 and 8% milkfat and 25 to 30% air. However, it is always important to pay attention to the label and ingredients of the products. Simply because a dessert product claims to be healthier, does not mean that it actually is. Becoming aware of healthier ingredients and calorie count purposes can help you to make healthier choices.

Waiting until spring to begin a diet is not always the best choice. You may not have enough time to achieve desired results and you may feel deprived having to turn down tasty summer treats. Beginning a healthier eating and exercise plan in the winter months can help you to not only achieve the results that you want, but also develop a routine that you become comfortable with. You will learn how to monitor your daily food choices and make better alternatives. The increase in energy can also help you to get through the long, cold, winter months.