Plating, or the art of food presentation, is an incredibly important part of gourmet cooking. After all, food should look as delicious as it tastes. Many think that plating has to be elaborate, but minimalistic simplicity might actually work better to present an elegant dish.
One of the best ways to enhance a dish’s aesthetics is with edible flowers and plants. A few carefully placed edible blossoms practically shout, “Look at how exquisite I am!” The right edible flowers and microgreens can also add well known flavors to food in a way that’s subtle, and texturally interesting. For example, many people know what chives taste like, but if you were to include their pink-purple petals with the dish, the salad would pop right out.
Before you start cooking with microgreens, you’ve got to know where to find them. One of the best places to start looking is at your local farmer’s market. If there isn’t one nearby, you can try your local supermarket. Don’t look in their florist section, though. You’ll only find microgreens and the edible variety of flower in the produce section. Failing that, you can always turn to the wide selection found online.
Once you’ve got your microgreens, it’s important to know how to clean and store them. You should shake them to remove any excess dirt or insects, and gently wash them in cold water. Let them dry on a paper towel, and then store them in an air-tight container in your fridge.
As a general rule of thumb for using microgreens and edible flowers in your culinary creations, how they smell is how they taste. Violets are sweet and floral, which makes them good on deserts, like a frosted pound cake. Pansies are great garnishes with a slightly grassy flavor, making them perfect for vegetable medleys. Lemon Verbana has a citrusy flavor as its name implies, which makes them good for both sweet and savory dishes.
Using microgreens in your cooking is a sure way to impress anyone. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.