If you are familiar with modern agriculture, or just someone who shops on a regular basis, then you already know the term organic food because you have seen it on the shelves. You will see organic labels on produce, shelved items, breads, and even meats. The question of what is or is not organic may often be debated, as there are some who believe that the organic food label is used on foods which should not technically qualify. Organic food definitions may also differ depending on the type of food that you are purchasing. For example, buying organic eggs does not have the same requirements as buying organic bread or produce. To learn more about organic food you usually have to go to a source that you can trust. Their organic food definition tends to be consistent with the concerns of the consumers, instead of the concerns of the companies and their bottom lines.
That is one of the challenges that faces consumers. Because organic food is seen as being more nutritional and pure than its non organic variants, companies realize that there is a lot more money to be made by marketing and labeling products as being organic. Even worse for consumers, there are also inconsistent standards for what is considered organic food within the same types of food. It is always a good idea to research more about labels and brands if you are concerned about whether or not your food is really organic. This is especially true with produce, as some of the fruits and vegetables that you purchase under the organic food label may be the same as what you are purchasing at a much lower price.
In general, organic food eaters will need to do a bit of studying if they want to get the right food for themselves and their families. Understanding more about the organic market is not unlike the trend of labeling foods as “low fat” during the 90’s. There are companies that know that these products are more attractive to consumers, and who may not be living up to the expectations that come with the label in question. Just as “low fat” foods often turned out to be quite high in fat and calories, organic food labels should be taken with a grain of salt until you learn more about the companies that are behind the product.