For organic food definition is one of the most difficult factors to pin down. This is because there are so many organic food definitions. An organic food definition is usually taken to mean a food which is lacking a particular quota of fertilizer. For example, an organic food might be beef taken from the meat of cattle which have been grass fed. It might involve chickens which are fed in a free range pasture. Typically, when involving meet, it means that the meat will not have come from animals which are factory farmed.
The organic food definition is typically associated with foods which are produced by organic farming. This means that pesticides and other fertilizers have not been used on growing the plants. Most people who only eat food which fits the organic food definition believe that it has some nutritional value. Typically, they believe that these types of foods have less carcinogens, or elements which are more likely to increase the chances of cancer.
To fit the organic food definition, organic food has to be certified by the US Food and Drug Administration. While there is no conclusive evidence that organic food is, indeed, healthier than conventional meat, vegetable, fruit and grain products, most people can agree that generally organic food tastes better than conventional food. This is true of organic meat and organic vegetables.
Some of this taste may be conditioned than based in any particular type of common tastes. In other words, people may only believe that organic food tastes better but they have been trained to believe that it is what better food tastes like. Nonetheless, it also might taste better because it is made to taste better. More effort is put into organic food per pound than conventional food per pound. For this reason, it is not surprising that organic food should be more popular, even while there is not a lot of evidence it is healthier.