The restaurant industry, particularly that of fine dining, is one that has been thriving here in the United States. With an average dinner at such a restaurant costing more than twenty eight dollars, the revenue from the industry is good, especially with an uptick of three percent in fine dining restaurant guests in the past few years, this last year in particular. With the industry thriving, chefs around the country are coming up with new and exciting ways to decorate their plates, to transform their food from simply something delicious to a sensory experience that encompasses the full spectrum of our senses (or nearly so).
Organic micro greens are one such trick of the trade for those in the fine dining industry, though organic micro greens are far from brand new. No, instead organic micro greens and other types of edible flowers have been used for as long as thirty years in the field of fine dining. Nowadays, you can even purchase organic micro greens to take home and use in your own cooking, though it might not be as sophisticated at what you would find in an upscale restaurant. Varieties of edible flowers have also remained popular over the years in the realm of fine dining, as there are now as many as one hundred varieties of such flowers that you can eat, and we are still discovering more.
Organic micro greens have a multitude of purposes in the fine dining world. For one, they taste good and can add a little something fresh to an otherwise heavy meal. They also add a pop of color, something that many people do not realize is very much needed for many different dishes. In fact, it has even been found that the typical person eating a meal likes to see as many as three different colors on their plate, as well as three different food components. Children enjoy even more diversity with up to seven different food components and as many as six different colors of food. Organic micro greens add a little something extra, to be sure, and have truly earned their place in the fine dining world, at least here in the United States.
However, when you use organic micro greens, it is important that only the highest quality of microgreens are actually used and presented to the customer. If petite micro greens are not stored right, they will change color and become unpalatable as well. It is best to keep organic micro greens stored in a refrigerator in their very own container. They should also be kept at a temperature that does not exceed forty degrees Fahrenheit but also does not dip below thirty eight degrees Fahrenheit. If they are kept at a temperature of thirty two degrees of lower, they could turn a dark brown or even black color.
The way in which you store your organic micro greens will be part of determining their overall quality and will certainly play into this quality and effect it as well. Organic micro greens and all other types of micro greens are given a score before they can be put into use. This score is out of five, with five being the best quality of organic micro greens and one being the worst quality of organic micro greens. However, it is only if the organic micro greens you are looking to use have a score of a three or above that they can be marketed to the general public. If they have a lower score you can certainly keep them for personal use but they will not be allowed to be used in a restaurant setting – and for good reason too. Organic micro greens and other types of micro greens and edible flowers and the like are primarily used for the aesthetic appeal that they provide to any given meal, from hearty pastas to meat dishes to even soup. They can even be used with creamy soups and as a garnish on sandwiches. However, if they have a low quality rating, it’s unlikely that they would still have that same physical appeal.