Author: Organic Food


Tasting the Freshness

Organic food is not necessarily an healthier than conventional food, but it can often taste much better, especially in the hands of people who know how to cook with it. There are several organic food definitions but the Department of Agriculture sets a certain quota of nutrients or ingredients that can be used in farming […]


Is That Organic Food In Your Cart? Think Again

If you are familiar with modern agriculture, or just someone who shops on a regular basis, then you already know the term organic food because you have seen it on the shelves. You will see organic labels on produce, shelved items, breads, and even meats. The question of what is or is not organic may […]


Learn About the Organic Food Definition

There is much confusion among consumers about what is the proper organic food definition. Many manufacturers do not do much to relieve this confusion, and often make it worse accidentally. The United States government is trying to do its part to streamline the process by which organic food is labeled but it is coming up […]


Standards in Organic Food

With the increasing interest of many consumers on healthy and nutritious foods, natural and organic foods have also seen a dramatic increase in their demands. However, many are not familiar with what makes natural and organic food. Many even believe that organic is the same as natural.So here are good organic food definitions that will […]