Food and hygiene course

Food and hygiene course, Food handling certificate, Food safety course

Strong Food Handling Courses Can Help Make Sure that Food Stays Safe and Healthy

Every year, one in six Americans suffers from a food borne illness, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Restaurants and other businesses that specialize in handling food regularly might want to consider taking a food safety course in order to do their part in minimizing that number. Taking a food […]

Food and hygiene course, Food handling certificate, Food safety certification

In The Food Service Industry, Food Protection Courses Help To Keep Food Safe

Food borne illness are very serious and they can have very serious implications on an individual’s health. In 2011, there were 5,461,731 cases of foodborne norovirus in the United States; 14,663 of those required hospitalization. The average household expenditure on food purchased and eaten away from home was $2,620 in 2011. Following proper procedures for […]