Each weekend an average of 44,230 weddings take place. Although the number of weddings has not decreased on average, the costs have. People are more conscious of the high costs of weddings and are looking for ways to save money. With liquor and beer being one of the largest portions of the budget, this is […]
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Hot Coffee and Soup Americans Love Them Both
Americans love their coffee. Roughly 150 million people in the United States regularly enjoy drinking espressos, cappuccinos, lattes, and iced or cold coffees. This tends to be a favorite beverage for many individuals. Even though 30% of Americans just drink coffee on occasion, others do so every day. While 65% of Americans may have their […]
What Is The Newest Trend In Weddings? Here Are Four Reasons To Have A Brunch Wedding!
Are you currently planning your wedding? If so you need to know about the hottest new trend – wedding brunch. Granted, getting married in the morning and following it up with brunch may not be able the most traditional wedding idea. But isn’t time to give some of the wedding traditions a rest and make […]
The Importance of Providing Healthy Menu Options
Preferred eating trends are constantly changing. Diets come and go and one month people are shunning carbohydrates, while the next month, they are eating only that. It can be difficult to keep up with eating trends as a restaurant business owner. You also have to consider state and federal dietary restrictions. Foods served have to […]
Mexican Cuisine A Panorama of Flavors
Do you love Mexican food? You’re certainly not alone, as Mexican food is one of the most popular international cuisines in the United States. In 2011, there were 38,000 Mexican restaurants throughout the United States. Currently, for every 10 restaurants, at least 1 serves your favorite Mexican food. If your favorite breakfast or lunch item […]
How to Succeed in the Ice Cream Business
The ice cream business can be a very successful and profit producing industry to be in during the warm, winter months. In fact, June is the month that the most ice cream is produced, as this is also the highest month of consumption. As we come into ice cream season, how can you compete with […]
Gelato Cups and Other Frozen Desserts Which Can Be Safe Bets at Any Corporate and Social Event Menu
Have you been tasked, in the near future, with organizing an event of some kind? If yes, then no matter whether it is a social or corporate event, one area where you can absolutely not go wrong is the food. Events of any kind are places where people come from different places to mingle and […]
Four Ice Cream Flavors You Won’t Believe Exist
We all scream for ice cream — it’s a part of a rhyme that we’re all familiar with. The fact is that ice cream is one of the most popular desserts across the world, and with good reason. It’s relatively easy to make, and has the benefit of cooling consumers down on a hot summer […]